community economies

Governments, NGOs & Communities

cultivating opportunity together

solutions for Governments, nonprofits, and organized communities

Benchmark Projects

In many cases, mission-driven economic development work has to be catalyzed by a community or organization as the lead actor or in partnership with a developer. Examples of these projects include public markets, business incubators, and performance/recreation space, amongst many others. Determining the right project for your community, developing a business plan, and executing effectively takes careful planning and consideration. Genuity provides:

  • Benchmark Project Consultation: Conversational consult to support your community or organization as it develops project goals and options.

  • Benchmark Project Plan: A collaboratively constructed business and implementation plan that presents a variety of options for consideration. Once finished, this plan will carry your community or organization from conceptualization through program launch.

  • Benchmark Project Representation: Genuity will be in your corner as you forge key partnerships with other entities, funders, design/build profession, and public agencies.

Corridor & District Property Strategies

Effective place-based economic development must carefully consider the geography of its desired impact, and where to focus attention. What property development tools are applicable in which circumstances? How can an organization or community achieve synergistic uses in appropriate clusters to build economic opportunity? Which relationships are most important to jump-start mission-driven economic development? Your organization or community will be strengthened by a surgical approach to district-wide economic development programming through careful prioritization. To support this, Genuity provides:

  • Business District Analysis & Consultation: Conversational consult to explore the opportunities that are available, the relationships between different community partners (organizations, businesses, property owners, etc.), and upcoming changes that will affect property opportunities.

  • Business District Prioritization Map: A written document that prioritizes properties, in conjunction with a property matrix to better understand the applicable tool that might be deployed for each priority property.

Development Trajectory Planning

The economic opportunities in a given community shift over the course of time. Relative to your community’s goals, where is opportunity today, and where will it be in the future? Is your community ready for pedestrian retail businesses, or is it ripe for maker/manufacturers? Do your business development and employment ambitions align with where your community is today? How do communities grow in today’s conditions while planning for tomorrow’s? Forging a clear understanding of a community’s trajectory helps focus efforts on the highest yield programs and projects. Genuity provides:

  • Development Phase Consultation: Conversational consult to help determine your community’s development phase and to align that with economic development opportunities.

  • Development Phase Analysis: A written report that details today’s opportunities and where they might head in the future.

  • Development Phase Strategy: A written strategy that outlines possibilities and programmatic interventions for a variety of development contingencies, informed by market analysis, and community goals.

Economic Development Toolkit

In addition to the private, public and non-profit partners that help build relationships to support economic development, there are a wide variety of programmatic and policy tools that may be deployed within a community. Depending on the context, those tools may be in the hands of any number of entities. How does your community support entrepreneurship, employment, and appropriate property development? Genuity provides:

  • Toolkit Consultation: Conversational consult about the resources your organization and community make available, and some exploratory discussion of gaps.

  • Toolkit Analysis: A written report detailing the strengths and gaps in the programs, policies and resources to support community economic development. Additionally, opportunities for the enhanced alignment of resources will be explored.

  • Implementation Plan: A collaborative effort summarized in a written report that outlines steps to align, develop and activate a comprehensive toolkit toward community-identified goals.

Economic Ecosystem Analysis

Understanding the essential components and partners that support a thriving, equitable economic development environment. This includes financial institutions, business development coaches, community organizations, employment providers, and other players who cultivate opportunities in their own ways. It also rolls-in market analysis (both formal and informal), and community-based assets/activities that support a locally driven opportunity pipeline. Genuity provides:

  • Economic Ecosystem Consultation: Conversational consult to begin to decipher the make-up and strengths/gaps of your community’s ecosystem.

  • Economic Ecosystem Mapping: A written report that captures the numerous moving parts of the community ecosystem.

  • Economic Ecosystem Alignment Strategies: A collaboratively constructed, written plan to build upon existing strengths and to address gaps in your community’s economic ecosystem.

On-Ground Advising

The lifeblood of effective community work is relationship-building, but knowing how to develop meaningful relationships that add value all-around can be difficult. Genuity offers advising to boots-on-the-ground community members and staffers who want to ensure that their relationship-building efforts result in the creation of economic opportunity.